spiritual books
These books have helped form our spiritual journeys and led us deeper into who God is, who he made us to be, and how we can live as followers of Jesus.
The Confessions of St. Augustine by Saint Augustine (recommended by Mary)
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (recommended by Noelle)
The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer (recommended by Marshal)
The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer (recommended by Marshal, Jace, and Noelle)
inner life & Discipleship
You Are What You Love by James K.A. Smith (recommended by Marshal and Joel)
Radical by David Platt (recommended by Mary)
Domestic Monastery by Ronald Rolheiser (recommended by Marshal)
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney (recommended by Jace)
A Creative Minority and The Burden is Light by Jon Tyson (recommended by Marshal)
Finding Calcutta by Mary Poplin (recommended by Clarisa)
The Divine Conspiracy and Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard (recommended by Marshal)
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer (recommended by Brendon and Marshal)
Can You Hear Me? Tuning in to the God who Speaks by Brad Jersak (recommended by Cecily and Jonnie)
The Gospel Comes With a House Key by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield (recommended by Marshal)
The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel (recommended by Joel and Marshal)
Desiring God by John Piper (recommended by Marshal)
Subversive Sabbath by A.J. Swoboda (recommended by Jace and Marshal)
Read the Bible for a Change by Ray Lubeck (recommended by Jace)
Breakthrough by Derek J. Morphew (recommended by Marshal)
The Ology by Marty Machowski (recommended by Jonnie - especially for kids and parents!)
Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright (recommended by Marshal)
Scripture and the Authority of God by N.T. Wright (recommended by Joel)
The Mission of God’s People by Christopher J. H. Wright (recommended by Marshal)
Echoes of Exodus by Alastair J. Roberts (recommended by Jace)
Supernatural by Michael S. Heiser (recommended by Marshal)
Never Trust a Leader Without a Limp by Glenn Schroder (recommended by Marshal)
The Quest for the Radical Middle by Bill Jackson (recommended by Marshal)
Power Healing by John Wimber (recommended by Marshal)