Our goal for the summer interest groups is to create a space where people can connect and become friends. Micah Parlato is leading this group. We’ll meet at the church and head out from there. Click here to sign up!
This hike is a moderately challenging 5 mile hike in Silver Falls State Park, Oregon. We'll be hiking the canyon trail around a scenic gorge with a series of 10 amazing waterfalls. This park has a nice open area near the parking lot with a view of one of the largest falls and a small area where kids could splash around in shallow water. A great option if some people are less excited about a 5 mile hike but still want to get out into a beautiful scenic area. Since this park is further away we'll be meeting up at 8am at the church parking lot to get an earlier start. Bring along a bottle of water, some lunch, and sun screen for a great day in the outdoors. There is a cafe next to the parking lot with sandwiches, coffee, and drinks if you'd prefer that.