Women, join us on the third Saturday of every month for brunch and fellowship together! Due to the current pandemic situation, our gathering will be virtual, held over Zoom video call. Please feel free to make your favorite brunch dish and enjoy it from your home while you join the video call gathering with other VVC women.
For this brunch we’d love for each woman to read through the book of Colossians this week leading up to the Saturday gathering. Take your time studying and listening to what the Holy Spirit might be speaking to you through this letter from Paul to the Christians in Colossae. Then, on Saturday, let’s hear from one another on what God revealed to us as we enjoy each other’s company and some tasty breakfast.
To join the Zoom video call this Saturday at 10am, click on this link from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://zoom.us/j/92542544594?pwd=Rm9HMWhyb24wV1M4YU9WaVB0NkU5Zz09
If required, the Meeting ID is 925 4254 4594 and the password is 872788. If you will be calling in from a telephone and using audio only (no video screen), dial +1 253 215 8782 and enter the Meeting ID and password given above.
Here are some helpful resources providing background for the book of Colossians:
If you prefer to learn via video and visual imagery: https://youtu.be/pXTXlDxQsvc
If you prefer reading a written summary: https://www.biblica.com/resources/scholar-notes/niv-study-bible/intro-to-colossians/